Since we raise a flock of Muscovy Ducks every year to put in the freezer, I am going to explore the health benefits of this amazing animal, specifically their fat. We chose Muscovies because of their size, ability to fend for themselves, and the fact that they do not need a pond. With Mac’s interest in a healthy lifestyle, ducks are a no-brainer.
Recently, duck fat has come into the world’s view as a health food. There have been tons of studies involving the Gascony region of France, where the residents eat more saturated fat than any other group of people in the industrialized world. They particularly love the swanky food called foie gras, the liver of a fattened duck or goose. Adults and children alike enjoy a slab of foie gras with bread smothered in liquid duck fat. It is easy to assume that any group of people that consume this much fat would suffer from high rates of cardiovascular disease; however, studies show that just the opposite is occurring.
The World Health Organization recently posted the average number of instances of cardiovascular disease per 100,000 citizens. In the United States it was 315, 145 in France, and only 80 in the Gascony region of France. That’s 75% fewer cases! The miracle man trying to change the world’s mind about fat is Dr. Renaud of France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research. He has published research that suggests that duck fat may improve cardiovascular health.
He has found that duck fat is closer in composition to olive oil than to butter or fat. It is 49% mono-unsaturated fat, which is known to raise good cholesterol. Also, it boasts a low 33% saturated fat content, compared to butter’s 62%.
Dr. Renaud plans to continue his research with a new $3 million grant to focus on the consumption of wine, dairy fats, vegetables, fruits, and duck fat in the United States. Time will only tell just how much these ducks are contributing to our lives.
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